Test It

You can check interscript is installed from the command line like:
  iscr --weaver=html --passes=3 example.pak
where "example.pak" is any interscript master source file; for example, the file "interscript/tests/example.pak", which is displayed below.
Start data section to interscript/tests/example.pak[1 /1 ]
     1: @head(1,'An Interscript Example')
     2: This is a minimal example of interscript at work.
     3: @head(2,'Tangling a litte script')
     4: @select(tangler('interscript/tests/example.py'))
     5: print 'Hello from an example python program'
     6: @head(2,'Executing the script')
     7: @print_python_output('interscript/tests/example.py')
End data section to interscript/tests/example.pak[1]