
Start python section to interscript/weavers/html.py[2 /22 ] Next Prev First Last
    32: #line 53 "html_weaver.ipk"
    33:   def __init__(self, pass_frame,writer,language='',**kwds):
    34:     weaver_base.__init__(self,pass_frame,language)
    35:     if 'weavers' in self.process.trace:
    36:       print 'html weaver, writer',writer.get_sink_name()
    37:     self.protocol = 'text/html'
    38:     self.persistent_frame['protocol']=self.protocol
    39:     self.sink = writer
    40:     self.acount = 1
    41:     self.hcount = [0]
    42:     self.mode = None
    43:     self.comments = 0
    44:     self.list = []
    45:     self.name = 'html weaver v1 for '+self.sink.name
    46:     self.persistent_frame['name']=self.name
    47:     self.heading_level_offset = 0
    48:     self.keywords = kwds
    49:     self.tags.append('html') # this 'tags' has nothing to do with html tags!
    50:     self.toc = []
    51:     if kwds.has_key('title'):
    52:       self.title=kwds['title']
    53:     else:
    54:       title = self.sink.name
    56:     self.prolog()
End python section to interscript/weavers/html.py[2]