6.11.1. Conversion functions

Here is the module which does the conversions.
Start python section to interscript/encoding/big5.py[1 /1 ]
     1: #line 76 "big5.ipk"
     2: from array import array
     4: lead_first = 0xA1
     5: lead_last = 0xF9
     6: trail_first1 = 0x41
     7: trail_last1 = 0x7E
     8: group1_width = trail_last1 - trail_first1 + 1
     9: trail_first2 = 0xA1
    10: trail_last2 = 0xFE
    11: width = trail_last1 - trail_first1 + 1 + trail_last2 - trail_first2 + 1
    12: big5size = (lead_last - lead_first + 1) * width
    16: tou = array('H')
    17: filename = 'interscript/encoding/big5.dat'
    18: f = open(filename,'rb')
    19: tou.fromfile(f,big5size)
    20: f.close()
    22: def big5_to_unicode(ch):
    23:   hi = ch >> 8
    24:   lo = ch & 0xFF
    25:   if lead_first <= hi <= lead_last:
    26:     if trail_first1 <= lo <= trail_last1:
    27:       return tou[(hi-lead_first)*width+lo-trail_first1]
    28:     elif trail_first2 <= lo <= trail_last2:
    29:       return tou[(hi-lead_first)*width+lo-trail_first2+group1_width]
    30:     else:
    31:       return 0xFFFF
    32:   else:
    33:     return 0xFFFF
    35: def big5_to_utf8(s):
    36:   u = ''
    37:   i = 0
    38:   n = len(s)
    39:   while 1:
    40:     ch = s[i]
    41:     i = i + 1
    42:     ch = ch << 8 | s[i]
    43:     u = u + utf8(big5_to_unicode(ch))
    44:     i = i + 1
    45:     if i==n: break
    46:   return u
End python section to interscript/encoding/big5.py[1]