Process file data

Start python section to interscript/frames/inputf.py[6 /42 ] Next Prev First Last
   230: #line 278 "input_frame.ipk"
   231:   def file_pass(self):
   232:     while 1:
   233:       try:
   234:         file,count,line = self.readline()
   236:         self.echo = 'input' in self.process.trace
   237:         if self.echo:
   238:           print '%s %6s: %s' % (file,count,line)
   239:         for r in self.reg_list:
   240:           match = r[0].match(line)
   241:           if match:
   242:             r[1](match,file,count,self.userdict)
   243:             break
   244:       except eoi:
   245:         if 'frames' in self.process.trace:
   246:           print 'EOI detected'
   247:         if self.current_tangler:
   248:           self.select(None)
   249:         self.close()
   250:         return
   251:       except KeyboardInterrupt:
   252:         print '!!!!!!!!! KEYBOARD INTERRUPT !!!!!!!!!'
   253:         self.process.update_files = 0
   254:         self.close()
   255:         raise KeyboardInterrupt
   256:       except process_fault,value:
   257:         print '!!!!!!!!! PROCESS FAULT ',value,' !!!!!!!!!'
   258:         self.process.update_files = 0
   259:         self.close()
   260:         raise
   261:       except SystemExit,value:
   262:         print '!!!!!!!!! SYSTEM EXIT !!!!!!!!!'
   263:         self.process.update_files = 0
   264:         self.close()
   265:         raise SystemExit,value
   266:       except:
   267:         print '!!!!!!!!! PROGRAM ERROR !!!!!!!!!'
   268:         traceback.print_exc()
   269:         self.process.update_files = 0
   270:         self.close()
   271:         sys.exit(1)
End python section to interscript/frames/inputf.py[6]