6.3.1. Representation

Each encoding X is represented by a function 'X_to_utf8(s)' in the module interscript.encoding.X, which returns a utf8 string from a string in the given encoding.

First, the module initialisation package contains a special routine to autodetect the ISO-10646 encodings.

Start python section to interscript/encoding/__init__.py[1 /1 ]
     1: #line 63 "encoding.ipk"
     2: # encoding subpackage
     4: iso10646_signatures = (
     5:   ('\xFE\xFF'        , 'utf16'),   # unicode, also ucs2
     6:   ('\xFF\xFE'        , 'utf16le'), # little endian unicode, also ucs2le
     7:   ('\x00\x00\xFE\xFE' , 'ucs4'),    # full four byte encoding
     8:   ('\xFE\xFE\x00\x00' , 'ucs4le'),  # little endian four byte encoding
     9:   ('\xEF\xBB\xBF'    , 'utf8')     # utf8
    10: )
    12: def autodetect(filename):
    13:   f = open(filename,'rb')
    14:   data = f.read(4)
    15:   f.close()
    16:   data = data +'XXXX'
    17:   for signature,name in signatures:
    18:     if signature == data[:len(signature)]:
    19:       return name
    20:   return 'utf8'
End python section to interscript/encoding/__init__.py[1]