6.19.7. The process frame

The _process frame_ contains data configuring a particular processing run. That data is gleaned from command line switches, the environment, defaults from other frames, and statistics gathered during processing, and also some data configured by user commands in input files.

User commands may read symbols from this dictionary, and may modify the objects to which the symbol names refer, but are protected from rebinding the names to other objects or values.

The organisation of the process frame is currently haphazard and may change from version to version.

Make an object to hold global variables that user objects can hang onto, to ensure these variables live during the execution of the object destructors.

Start python section to interscript/frames/processf.py[1 /3 ] Next Last
     1: #line 22 "process_frame.ipk"
     2: # Note this definition must go here to avoid circular module imports
     3: class process_fault(SystemExit): pass
     5: from interscript.frames.site import site_frame
     6: from interscript.frames.platform import platform
     7: from interscript.frames.masterf import master_frame
     8: from interscript.drivers.sources.base import eoi
     9: import sys
    10: import traceback
    11: import time
    12: import string
    14: class process_frame:
    15:   def __init__(self, global_frame, process_options, argument_frames):
    16:     self.global_frame = global_frame
    17:     self.process_options = process_options
    18:     self.argument_frames = argument_frames
    20:     self.trace = self.process_options.trace
    21:     self.break_on_error = process_options.break_on_error
    22:     self.debug_constructors = 0
    23:     self.debug_destructors = 0
    24:     self.update_files = 1
    26:     self.site = site_frame(platform)
    27:     # self.site.print_install()
    28:     self.objects = {}
    30:   def __del__(self):
    31:     #print 'PROCESS TERMINATING'
    32:     if self.objects:
    33:       print 'UNDELETED OBJECTS!!',self.objects
    35:   def run(self):
    36:     oldstdout = sys.stdout
    37:     oldstderr = sys.stderr
    38:     f = self.process_options.logfile
    39:     m = self.process_options.logfile_mode
    40:     if self.process_options.logfile:
    41:       try:
    42:         sys.stderr = sys.stdout = open(f,m)
    43:       except IOError:
    44:         print 'Cannot open specified logfile',f
    45:       except:
    46:         print 'Weird error opening specified logfile',f
    47:         traceback.print_exc()
    49:     reference_date = time.time()
    50:     local_time = time.localtime(reference_date)
    51:     local_time_string = time.strftime("%a %d %b, %Y %H:%M:%S (%Z)",local_time)
    52:     start_time = time.clock()
    53:     if m: print '<CDATA>'
    54:     print
    55:     print '---------------------------------'
    56:     print 'Interscript '+self.global_frame.version +\
    57:       '['+str(self.global_frame.buildno)+'] Process',local_time_string
    59:     try:
    60:       for argument_frame in self.argument_frames:
    61:         master_frame(self,argument_frame)
    62:     finally:
    63:       end_time = time.clock()
    64:       elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
    65:       print 'Elapsed Process Time',int(elapsed_time),'seconds'
    66:       print '================================'
    67:       print
    68:       sys.stdout = oldstdout
    69:       sys.stderr = oldstderr
    71:   def get_process_frame(self):
    72:     "Get the current process frame"
    73:     return self
End python section to interscript/frames/processf.py[1] Execute Python Script Object tracing