6.13.2. Sink Drivers
Sink drivers support the standard Python file protocol for output
of text. They supply the standard python file methods:
- write
- Write text to output device. Repeatedly raw_write characters upto
either the end of the string, or a newline character.
If a newline character is found, increment the line count
amd call raw_eol.
Precondition: no control characters other than newline in the input.
- writelines
- Accepts a list of strings which are concatenated and passed to
the write method. No newline characters are added.
Precondition: no control characters other than newline
in the input.
- close
- If the sink is not flagged as closed,
flag the sink as closed for access to the device and call raw_close.
Note this need not close the underlying device.
- flush
- May flush data to the device.
- isatty
- May return 1 if the underlying device is a tty type device.
The methods read, readline and readlines are note
provided because a sink need not support read operations.
The methods seek and tell are not
provided because sinks need not support positioning.
The method truncate is not provided because a sink
need not be storage device. There is no mode attribute,
sinks support writing, but need not be files.
The following methods augment the standard python methods.
- writeline
- Append a newline character to the argument and pass to write method.
- raw_writelines
- Accepts a list of strings which are written in turn using writeline.
Use with a list of printable strings; that is, without trailing newlines.
The following methods should be provided by subclass derivers,
if the default implementation (if it exists) is inappropriate.
They are intended as private implementation details, not to be called
by the user.
- raw_write
- Write raw text to the device. Precondition: only printable characters
in the input (space is allowed). [All characters are written verbatim
to the underlying device without incrementing the line count.]
- raw_close
- May close the underlying device. Called by the close method
if the closed flag is false.
- raw_flush
- May flush the underlying device device.
- raw_eol
- Ends a line on the underlying device.
In addition, the following attributes are available:
- lines_written
- The total number of calls to writeline.
- last_source_file
- Provided for the client to store the name of the original
source of the last line written.
- last_source_line
- Provided for the client to store the line number of the
last line written in the original source file.
- last_inhibit_sref
- Provided for the client to store whether source referencing
was disabled on the last write.
- closed
- Indicates if close was called.
Start python section to interscript/drivers/sinks/__init__.py[1
1: #line 96 "sink_drivers.ipk"
3: class sink_open_error(Exception): pass
5: Sink Base Class Null Sink Tee Sink Simple Disk File Sink Complex Disk File Sink Standard Output Sink Persistent Storage Sink