Disk Driver

The disk driver is also both a source and sink and can is used as a simple form of macro. By tangling sections of code onto disk, a section can be built which is emitted in a single block.

By using differential files drivers, and performing multiple passes on the source, disk based macros can be emitted before they are defined, or even in the middle of their definition: the result will be the filw written from the last run.

Start python section to interscript/drivers/storage/disk.py[1 /1 ]
     1: #line 61 "storage_drivers.ipk"
     2: from interscript.drivers.sources.base import source
     3: from interscript.drivers.sinks.base import sink_base
     4: #---------------------------------------------------------
     5: # This object is both a reader and a writer!
     7: class disk(source,sink_base):
     8:   pass
     9:   # not implemented yet :-(
End python section to interscript/drivers/storage/disk.py[1]