10: #line 20 "interscript_options.ipk"
12: shortoptdict = { 'v':'verbose (trace everything)' }
14: longoptdict = {
15: 'weaver=': {
16: 'html': 'flat html',
17: 'latex': 'latex2e',
18: 'llambda': 'lambda',
19: 'text':'plain text',
20: 'web':'html tree',
21: 'lout':'lout'
22: },
23: 'language=': 'two letter code for human language to weave (mandatory if weaver selected)',
24: 'tangler-prefix=':'absolute native os prefix prepended to tangled code filenames',
25: 'weaver-prefix=':'absolute native os prefix prepended to woven documentation filenames',
26: 'tangler-directory=':'interscript filename prefix prepended to tangled code filenames',
27: 'weaver-directory=':'interscript filename prefix prepended to woven documentation filenames',
28: 'python=':'execute python script',
29: 'update=':{
30: 0:'Allow buffered file write (default)',
31: 1:'Inhibit buffered file write'},
32: 'download=':{
33: 'never':'do not download from the Internet',
34: 'always':'force download by ftp or http'},
35: 'refresh_interval=':
36: 'download when local file is older than this number of days (default 28)',
37: 'tabwidth=':'column width for tab expansion (default 8)',
38: 'passes=':'passs on each file (default 1)',
39: 'logfile=':'<filename> for messages (append to old file)',
40: 'new-logfile=':'<filename> for messages (cleared first)',
41: 'nocache':'disable persistent cache usage',
42: 'copyright': '(prints) Maxtal P/L Australia',
43: 'licence': '(prints) Free for any use',
44: 'author': '(prints) mailto:skaller@maxtal.com.au <John Skaller>',
45: 'homepage': '(prints) http://www.triode.net.au/~skaller/interscript',
46: 'executable': 'print python executable name',
47: 'python-version': 'print python version string',
48: 'title=':'set document title',
49: 'encoding=':'encoding of file, defaults to utf8',
50: 'test':'MUST BE FIRST: try to load interscript from current directory',
51: 'html-eol=': {
52: 'CRLF': 'Kludge Unix host (only) to end html lines (only) with CR/LF'
53: },
54: 'trace=':{
55: 'frames' : 'creation and destruction of architectural frames',
56: 'weavers' : 'creation and destruction of weavers',
57: 'tanglers': 'creation and destruction of tanglers',
58: 'sinks' : 'creation and destructioin of sinks',
59: 'sources' : 'opening and closing of sources',
60: 'changes' : 'changed outputs',
61: 'script' : 'execution of client script',
62: 'options' : 'dump options',
63: 'input' : 'list all input lines',
64: 'cache' : 'contents of persistent storage on loading and saving',
65: 'deps' : 'source file dependency and change tracking'
66: },
67: 'help':'this help',
68: 'usage':'this help' }
71: def print_help():
72: print 'Usage: python iscr.py [options] <filename>'
73: print 'Short options:'
74: keys = shortoptdict.keys()
75: keys.sort()
76: for k in keys: print_help1(k)
77: print 'Long options:'
78: keys = longoptdict.keys()
79: keys.sort()
80: for k in keys: print_help1(k)
82: def print_help1(k):
83: if longoptdict.has_key(k):
84: usek = '--'+ k
85: values = longoptdict[k]
86: elif longoptdict.has_key(k+'='):
87: usek = '--'+ k + '='
88: values = longoptdict[k+'=']
89: elif shortoptdict.has_key(k):
90: usek = '-' + k
91: values = shortoptdict[k]
92: elif shortoptdict.has_key(k+'='):
93: usek = '-' + k + '='
94: values = shortoptdict[k+'=']
95: else:
96: usek = k
97: values = 'Unknown option'
99: print ' '+usek,
100: if values is None:
101: print
102: elif type(values) is type({}):
103: print
104: for value in values.keys():
105: print ' '+str(value)+':',values[value]
106: else:
107: print values