6.21.2. Argument Frame

Just an empty class to hook attributes to.
Start python section to interscript/getframes.py[3 /3 ] Prev First
   109: #line 121 "interscript_options.ipk"
   110: class argument_frame:
   111:   def copy(self):
   112:      other = argument_frame()
   113:      for k in self.__dict__.keys():
   114:        setattr(other,k,getattr(self,k))
   115:      return other
   117: def getoption_frames(args): # note: has side effects!
   118:   parsed =  getopt(args)
   119:   process_options = argument_frame()
   120:   process_options.logfile = None
   121:   process_options.logfile_mode = None
   122:   process_options.break_on_error = 0
   123:   process_options.args = args
   124:   process_options.trace = []
   125:   master_frames = []
   127:   frame = argument_frame()
   128:   frame.update_files = 1
   129:   frame.tabwidth = 8
   130:   frame.download = 'regularly'
   131:   frame.refresh_interval = 28
   132:   frame.usecache = 1
   133:   frame.passes = 1
   134:   frame.weaver_prefix = ''
   135:   frame.tangler_prefix = ''
   136:   frame.weaver_directory= ''
   137:   frame.tangler_directory = ''
   138:   frame.autoweave = []
   139:   frame.useropt = {}
   140:   frame.encoding='utf8'
   141:   frame.html_eol = '\n'
   142:   frame.title = None
   143:   frame.languages = []
   144:   for opts,filename in parsed:
   145:     for opt,value in opts:
   146:       try:
   147:         if opt == 'break-on-error': process_options.break_on_error=1
   148:         elif opt == 'v': process_options.trace = [
   149:           'options',
   150:           'frames',
   151:           'input',
   152:           'weavers',
   153:           'tanglers',
   154:           'lines',
   155:           'sources',
   156:           'sinks',
   157:           'script',
   158:           'cache',
   159:           'deps']
   160:         elif opt == 'noupdate': frame.update_files = 0
   161:         elif opt == 'nocache': frame.usecache = 0
   162:         elif opt == 'nodownload': frame.download = 'never'
   163:         elif opt == 'download': frame.download = 'always'
   164:         elif opt == 'tabwidth': frame.tabwidth = int(value)
   165:         elif opt == 'passes': frame.passes = int(value)
   166:         elif opt == 'weaver': frame.autoweave.append(value)
   167:         elif opt == 'weaver-prefix': frame.weaver_prefix = value
   168:         elif opt == 'title': frame.title = value
   169:         elif opt == 'tangler-prefix': frame.tangler_prefix = value
   170:         elif opt == 'weaver-directory': frame.weaver_directory = value
   171:         elif opt == 'weaver-directory': frame.weaver_directory = value
   172:         elif opt == 'language': frame.languages.append(value)
   173:         elif opt == 'encoding': frame.encoding=value
   174:         elif opt == 'trace': process_options.trace.append(value)
   175:         elif opt == 'html-eol':
   176:           if sys.platform == 'Win32':
   177:             print 'CRLF kludge ignored for Win32'
   178:             print 'Use on Unix only, to make html files in DOS format'
   179:           else:
   180:             frame.html_eol = '\r\n'
   181:         elif opt == 'tangler-directory': frame.tangler_directory = value
   182:         elif opt == 'homepage':
   183:           print 'http://www.triode.net.au/~skaller/interscript'
   184:         elif opt == 'author':
   185:           print 'mailto:skaller@maxtal.com.au <John Skaller>'
   186:         elif opt == 'copyright':
   187:           print 'Copyright (C)1998 Maxtal P/L Australia'
   188:         elif opt == 'licence':
   189:           print 'Free for any use'
   190:         elif opt == 'executable':
   191:           print sys.executable
   192:         elif opt == 'python-version':
   193:           print sys.version
   194:         elif opt == 'python':
   195:           try:
   196:             if 'script' in process_options.trace:
   197:               print 'Executing python:'
   198:               print value
   199:             exec value
   200:           except:
   201:             print 'Error in python option'
   202:             traceback.print_exc()
   203:         elif opt == 'logfile':
   204:           process_options.logfile = value
   205:           process_options.logfile_mode = 'a'
   206:         elif opt == 'new-logfile':
   207:           process_options.logfile = value
   208:           process_options.logfile_mode = 'w'
   209:         elif opt in ['help', 'usage']:
   210:           print_help()
   211:           print
   212:         else:
   213:           # FIX: all options should be OK (user options?)
   214:           print 'Nonstandard option',opt,'value',value,'accepted as user option'
   215:           frame.useropt[opt]=value
   216:         if 'options' in process_options.trace: print 'Option:',opt,value
   217:       except:
   218:         print 'Warning: Option',opt,'has bad value',value
   219:         prefix = ''
   220:         while opt[0]=='-': prefix = prefix + '-'; opt=opt[1:]
   221:         print_help1(opt)
   223:     files = glob.glob( filename)
   224:     for file in files:
   225:       frame.source_prefix, frame.filename = os.path.split(file)
   226:       if frame.source_prefix != '':
   227:         frame.source_prefix = frame.source_prefix + os.sep
   228:       master_frames.append(frame.copy())
   229:   return process_options, master_frames
End python section to interscript/getframes.py[3]